
Crazy Singer


8×8 grid, a total of sixty-four positions. The middle 4×4 area is the center of the chessboard, and the four corners are the starting corners, each with three positions.


This game is a two-player game.

  • Singer: One for each player, cube-shaped, with numbers 1 to 6 written on them, divided into black and white.
  • Microphone: Each player has six, flat-shaped, divided into black and white.
  • Pillars: Six shared pieces divided between both players.



Players determine the order of play, and then take turns placing pillars in empty spaces, with the following requirements:

  • The first pillar for both sides must be placed in the central 4x4 area, while the second and third pillars are placed in the middle 4-grid area on the edges.
  • Pillars cannot be diagonally connected or collinear.


After placing the pillars, the starting player chooses a starting corner, and the second player's starting corner must be the opposite corner.

Once the starting corners are determined, both sides take turns placing singers in one of the three positions in the chosen starting corner.

The initial singer is facing up with the number 1.


The action starts with the player who has the first turn, and then both players take turns.


  • Three movements are required each round.
  • During each movement, choose a direction to move straight until you hit a pillar, the boundary of the board, or the opponent's singer, then you can stop.
  • When transitioning to the next movement, you can only turn left or right (assuming the previous direction was forward). If you cannot turn left or right, you must move backward.

Placing own microphone

  • One own microphone must be placed each round.
  • The microphone can be placed at the stopping point of the first or second movement.
  • If a stopping point already has an own microphone, the new microphone must be placed at another stopping point.
  • If both stopping points already have an own microphone, retrieve one of them and award the opponent a point.
  • If the stopping point of the third movement has an own microphone, retrieve it and award the opponent a point.
  • If there are already six own microphones on the board, there is no need to place a new microphone in this round, and it is not necessary to retrieve the microphones from the first two stopping points if they both have own microphones.

Taking away opponent's microphone

  • All opponent's microphones passed through in this round will be cleared and returned to the opponent.
  • However, points can only be earned by passing through the opponent's microphone during the third movement. Each microphone earns one point and can be accumulated.

In the example:

The singer's way of moving is to continue forward until encountering an obstacle, then stop, which counts as one step. Each turn consists of three steps.

White took away a black microphone, but because it was taken in the second step, no points are awarded.

After white finishes moving, he have to place a microphone. He chose to place it at the stopping point of the second step. (However, this may not be a good idea because immediately after, black can move three steps and take this microphone for points.)

Victory conditions

  • The first side to score five points (with the number 6 facing up) wins.
  • After a match ends, the losing side can propose to switch sides and play another round. Normally, the entire board needs to be cleared and a new game starts. However, if both sides agree, they can continue using the same layout and choose different starting corners for the next match.
  • After two matches end, the player with the highest total score wins. If the total scores are tied, it is considered a draw.

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